Cotswold Tuk Tuk Tours November 2018 Blog
It’s a wrap!!! We can say that the official 2018 season has come to an end and also that the 2019 season will begin earlier (March if the weather permits). The season finished on a rather windy and wet night at Cowley Manor with Rick transporting guests & traders to and from the car parks for a charity event. It’s great to see that Rick is started to being used in a promotional role as well as the tours and weddings.
So many people have showed an interest in the Tuk whenever it’s out and I have enjoyed every minute of telling its history.
All our 2018 targets were exceeded, and a special hello and thank you to all my customers who have travelled with us this year and it’s fantastic to see the bookings coming in for 2019. Some of tours now being booked are not just a half or full day tour but some customers are booking out the Tuk for days at a time.
Rick has just been in for a major service and some repairs after he had completed around 6000km this season. He has coped brilliantly negotiating the sometimes difficult and steep Cotswold landscape, so it’s now giving me a rough idea of running costs. We are also looking at the best options of putting in some form of heating (similar to Marion) to take the chill off on those not so warm days!!
During December the website will be updated in all areas. The most popular tour this season has been the 5 hour Afternoon Tea Express and it will continue in its current format, but also there will be some more exciting new options to choose from. Over the year I have been visiting some new areas and indeed new watering holes and these will be included in further new options for all the tours. Cotswold Lavender proved to be extremely popular and we’ll again be adding this onto tours as it starts to flower as an optional extra. Based on this I truly believe that we are going to be booked up solid next year especially in the peak months so please get in early for your booking. There has been lots of interest in gift vouchers for a unique experience for loved ones.
Keep your eye on the website for the new changes over the coming months and don’t worry I will be keeping the blog going over the winter.
Again the thinking cap is on for what charity to support next year and there will be a special momento for the 100th job that we hope to complete early next summer.
And finally, it's a bit early but as the next blog is not until the end of December, have a very merry festive season.