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Cotswold Tuk Tuk Tours February 2018 Blog

Hello to all my faithful followers out there who continue to read this blog. I would like to say that spring has arrived but looking out of my window it’s a no no. The #beastfromtheeast is keeping the Tuk inside at the moment! However last weekend it had two trips out for prospective wedding couples. The thermometer was showing -2 degrees but we all still braved it without the covers. The blog is slightly late this month as I was waiting for the first fitting of the new covers. They look brilliant and I’m sure they will prove to be very useful in the coming months.

With what looks like a late spring we have decided to officially open now on Easter Friday 30th March but would be open to one-off bookings prior to that if spring does poke through.

The website has now been updated for 2018 and after the experience of last year we are now offering an increased range of services.

As well as the weddings, proms and the standard private hire we have upgraded the Cream Tea Express to an Afternoon Tea Express. This is now either a 4 or 5 hour tour and includes a fantastic afternoon tea supplied by Mrs D’s Vintage Afternoon Teas. We have Mothers Day coming up on 11th March, why not get a gift voucher for your Mum to enjoy an Afternoon Tea Express.

Brand new for this season are 2 specials –

The first being an evening fish and chip excursion.

Secondly in line with the Cotswold lavender fields we will be running an afternoon special during the main flowering season (around 9th June - end of July)

Full day tours have also been extended and we now have 2 fixed all-inclusive tour routes. But of course as last year we are still happy to make up any bespoke tour that takes your fancy. Check out the website for all the details of everything on offer!

Over the last couple of months I have met so many lovely couples who have all come for a spin on the Tuk and then booked it for their wedding day. It’s just great to see how excited they all are about having the Tuk as part of their special day. I am certainly getting a huge amount of satisfaction out of this part of the business. Tours as well are proving popular with several bookings for special birthdays.

It is genuinely going to be a very busy year so don’t leave it too late to book the Tuk. There’s nothing worse for me than having to turn down bookings if you have a specific day in mind.

On advertising, people just seem to google things to do in the Cotswolds or see us on Trip Advisor and that’s where we are being found but I have just ordered some magnetic signs for the sides of the Tuk and another 2500 brand new 2018 flyers to hand deliver during March.

So if you haven’t tried it then why not make sure 2018 is that time that you do.

Join us on Instagram and Facebook, check the website out and don’t forget to keep waving!


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